Little NIPstars
New Inn Primary's Community Room
Foodbanks available in Torfaen Contact details and addresses of local foodbanks
Shelter Cymru Support with housing and homelessness
Parenting programmes - Torfaen Bringing up children is one of the most important responsibilities for individual parents, families and communities. Parenting ability is not something that is suddenly acquired, but involves continually developing knowledge, skills, understanding and self-awareness. The Parenting groups have been devised to assist parents through the challenges you may face whilst bringing up your children.
Gingerbread Support and advice for single parent families
Parenting advice and support. Give it time. Free practical tips and expert advice for all parenting challenges.
Getting it right for children - separating parents A free online course for separating parents to minimise the impact of separation on children
Sleep hygiene for children Information on supporting children to get a better night’s sleep
Advice link Cymru If you are unsure about what support is available to you, Advicelink Cymru can help you check what you are entitled to and to claim what’s yours. When you call Advicelink Cymru, on 0808 250 5700, you will get free and confidential advice about money you may be entitled to. Advicelink Cymru can help you: apply for welfare benefits, such as Personal Independence Payment, Carers Allowance and Pension Credit get Welsh Government support The Advicelink Cymru helpline can also arrange for you to get help with debt and personal finance issues.
Get help with the cost of living Welsh Government support and advice to help you with the increased cost of living.
Anna Freud - Self care for parents and carers Guidance on the importance of self-care for parents and carers