Heddlu Bach
What is Heddlu Bach?
Heddlu Bach is a fun and interactive pupil leadership group for Year Six pupils, run by Miss Frost. Heddlu Bach supports Gwent Police priorities, via participation in both educational and community environments. The children involved will develop confidence through many enjoyable experiences.
There are three elements to Heddlu Bach:
- Educational
- Community engagement
- Reward
The children who are selected to become part of Heddlu Bach, are the 'Mini police-officers' for the school. Their role is to help tackle local issues, highlighted in group meetings, in their own community, working alongside local Neighbourhood Policing Teams, on crime prevention initiatives and taking ownership of the tasks.
By being a part of Heddlu Bach, pupils will become ethically informed citizens of Wales, through creativeness and learning. Pupils will build resilience and develop a successful and exciting future through collaborating with communities and the police.
Action Plan for 2021-2022
Links to the Four Core Purposes
Heddlu Bach Team 2021-2022
Top Tips For Keeping Safe on Halloween
Top Tips For Keeping Safe on Bonfire Night
Operation Jingle Bells - Our December Project
Internet Safety Day 2022
Internet Safety Day 2022
Heddlu Bach have been working on a project to support the Digital Leaders for Internet Safety Day on 8.2.22.
Heddlu Bach had the pleasure of meeting with Cyber Protect Officers Kate & Natalie from Cyber Crime Prevention at Gwent Police. They learnt lots about how to stay safe online and have shared their top tips on Safer Internet Day.
March Project
This month, Heddlu Bach are teaming up with Eco Committee to help with the Great Big School Clean. We will be participating in litter picking around the local area. Alongside litter picking, Heddlu Bach will also be making and distributing dog waste bag dispensers around the community, in response to the disappointing amount of dog waste we had to avoid during our December Operation Jingle Bells project.
Heddlu Bach and Eco Committee Joint Project
Miss Frost and Mrs Giles are so proud of Heddlu Bach and Eco Committee, who have worked extremely hard to clean up our local area. Look at how many bags of litter we collected, in one morning!! Da iawn boys and girls.
April action - Feel Good book
Heddlu Bach are back again, spreading happiness and helping others. During April, we will be creating pieces to go into a virtual ‘Feel Good’ book based around health, wellbeing and positivity of young people. We know that some young people suffer with sadness, depression and struggles some point in their adolescence, so we are hoping that the ‘Feel Good’ book will help young people through these tough times.
This action will be based around Stephen Lawrence Day, which promotes people and groups doing something positive.
To find out more about Stephen Lawrence Day, go to http://StephenLawrenceday.org/classrooms/primary-ks2/
May - Operation Bloom
Heddlu Bach will be printing Forget Me Not seeds this month, which the Year Six pupils will look after for the rest of the Summer Term. We decided this would be a nice thing to do together as Year Six, as a memory to keep from our time at New Inn Primary School.
Operation Bloom
Meeting Jeff Cuthbert - PCC for Gwent
Heddlu Bach were lucky enough to meet the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent this month! They shared all of their amazing work and achievements from the year. They also received their passing out certificates, for being such hard-working, responsible members of Heddlu Bach this year. Miss Frost is extremely proud of you all!
Meeting Gwent Police Dog Unit
Heddlu Bach were extremely lucky to meet Gwent Police Dog Unit this month. We met the sniffer dogs and the biting dogs, which the police use every day to help them solve crime. We learnt how the police dog's sense of smell is much more sensitive than us humans, so the police use this to their advantage to help to detect and prevent crime.
We met...